10 steps to academic financing (and 3 not)


Financing and resources are rarely in equilibrium.

  1. Connections, connections, and more connections, talk to people (see don’t just stand there, engage)
  2. Put yourself about, in real life preferably, and virtually too, related to above.
  3. Be creative!
  4. Be collaborative! include people, don’t ring fence ideas / people
  5. Connect a problem, to the application, code, and maths if needed. joint up thinking
  6. What’s the added value?, EU likes that
  7. Draw project pictures
  8. Work backwards 10 year, 5 year 1 year plan. Then the idea then the people to work with. Often EU applications start with our friends 😹😻


  1. Don’t write applications last minute, leads to poor quality outcomes
  2. Don’t ask big companies to join last minute, they need time
  3. Don’t include friends for no reason
  4. Don’t ask for too much money (you’ll only have to redistribute it)
  5. don’t over promise or over write