LCM: Oscillation detection
2018-2021 (~5 kkr / year)
The goal of this study is to find a reliable method for the detection of oscillations in time series. Therefore, real world data from machines containing oscillating periods are provided. For confidentiality reasons, the data are normalized in time and amplitude domain.
2020 (~468 kkr )
Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro Enterprises (SMEs & MEs) largely lack awareness of cyber security risks and have few resources to prevent, detect and counter them. Since antivirus software has limited capability to prevent data theft, managed security services (MSS) have become an effective tool to address security risks [1]. MSS is a rapidly growing industry: it is projected that Global managed security services market revenues could surpass $45 billion by 2022 However, important technical challenges must be addressed to make managed security services both widely affordable and useful for SMEs & MEs.
RISE AB (Kista, SE) and F-Secure (FI) aim to build a consortium to address this. Since September 2018, RISE and F-Secure collaborated on defining the research questions. The upcoming EU H2020 call on cyber security are a suitable framework to address the research questions and implement a working prototype.
Standards work (
ExplainAI (8 kkr)
The concept is to deconstruct popular AI algorithms into their simplest or simpler forms. Either in a domain specific manner, solving the problem with field experts (5), alternatively in a non-domain specific manner (1-4), where the algorithms themselves are investigated. The objective is to rank AI algorithms that can be:
- Explained (best)
- Interpreted
- Decomposed
- Mirrored
- Used in parallel with existing solutions (acceptable)
- None of the above (risky)
The approach is to utilise RI.SE SICS’s 40+ years experience withS wedish and European industry to select AI-algorithms underconsideration for their AI-worthiness. Since domain specific solutions and AI methods address the same problem, we will comparethem, using ongoing and recently completed projects. We will adjudgewhere domain specific solutions could be used (#above), and where not, an AI solution will be used to improve the existing one.
Edge (5 kkr)
Mobile edge technology is in flux. MEC, MCC, ETSI/Eclipse, Fog, KubernetesEdge, Cloudlets, MobileEdgeX are vying for places within 5G networks.
We will evaluate the proposals with respect to technology. An assessment of competitors e.g. for back office support during standards meetings, is essential. As the national research organisation we see the alternative proposals in a neutral manner. A holistic approach for large European OEMs is desirable as often they are designing their own products, or participating in large projects.
Once strategic decisions have been made, the technical direction needs to be adhered to satisfy the investment, political or business driven cases. Technically, there are options in each which need to assessed and adopted to be future proof.
Our approach is to utilise RI.SE SICS’s participation with Ericsson AB (proposer 20+ years), access to ongoing projects (e.g. 5GCoral) as well as working knowledge of the other proposals.
SVI Connected transport automation 2020
(~10kkr / year)
SVI Connected transport automation aims to provide RISE with more comprehensive transport automation services. Communication between vehicles, as well as between vehicles and the outside world, is necessary for the automation of the transport system to work. Within RISE there are several units with expertise in automation of transport and communication. The goal is to together create more research assignments and more industrial assignments in the area of “connected transport automation”. Based on road transport, SVI covers several types of transport; road transport, work machinery, shipping, drones and trains.
Connected transport automation will contribute to a more transport efficient society and energy efficient use of the transport system. The environmental impact of transport is reduced, and connected automation thus contributes to meeting national climate targets. Society needs knowledge about the effects of a connected transport system compared to an unconnected transport system, and how manual vehicles affect the savings. You also get safer traffic situations when more and more vehicles can communicate among themselves and with the surroundings, which supports the work towards the zero vision.
SVI Uppkopplad transportautomation syftar till att RISE ska erbjuda mer heltäckande tjänster inom kommunikation för transportautomation. Kommunikation mellan fordon, samt mellan fordon och omvärld, är nödvändig för att automatiseringen av transportsystemet ska fungera. Inom RISE finns flera enheter med kompetens inom automatisering av transporter och kommunikation. Målet är att tillsammans skapa fler forskningsuppdrag och fler industriuppdrag inom området ”uppkopplad transportautomation”. Med utgångspunkt i vägtransporter täcker SVI flera transportslag; vägtransporter, arbetsmaskiner, sjöfart, drönare och tåg.
Uppkopplad transportautomation kommer att bidra till ett mer transporteffektivt samhälle och energieffektiv användning av transportsystemet. Miljöbelastningen från transporterna minskar, och uppkopplad automatisering bidrar därmed till att uppfylla nationella klimatmålen. Samhället behöver kunskap kring effekterna av ett uppkopplat transportsystem jämfört med ett icke uppkopplat transportsystem, och hur manuella fordon påverkar besparingarna. Man får också säkrare trafiksituationer när fler och fler fordon kan kommunicera sinsemellan och med omgivningen, vilket stöder arbetet mot nollvisionen.