


  • Data Readiness, Björn Bjurling, Per Krueger, Ian Marsh, RISE SICS, Report, Slides
  • Algorithms for data mining and machine learning, Ian​ ​Marsh,​ ​Bjorn​ ​Bjurling,​ ​Ahmad​ ​al-Shishtawy,​ ​Anders​ ​Holst, RISE SICS, ReportSlides
  • Big data architecture (batch processing), Martin​ ​Neumann,​​ ​​Ian​ ​Marsh,​ ​Bjorn​ ​Bjurling,​ ​Ahmad​ ​al-Shishtawy, RISE SICS, Report, Slides
  • Audio analytics: State of the art report, Björn Bjurling,  RISE SICS, Report, Slides
  • Computer vision survey Applications for the Automotive Industry: A literature review, Abubakrelsedik Karali, RISE SICS, Report, Slides
  • Stream Processing in the big data era, Ahmad Al-Shistawy, RISE SICS, Report, Slides
  • Maps for localisation, Lars Rasmusson and Erik Ylipää, RISE SICS, Slides

Business models

  • Big Automotive Data Analytics, Per-Olof Svensk, Magnus Andersson, Trafikverket and RISE Viktoria, Slides
  • Business models: state-of-the-art, Abstract
  • Business Models: Future Scenarios, Report
  • Big Automotive Data Analytics: State of the art report, Fehmi Ben Abdesslem, Report
  • Big Automotive Data Analytics: Scenarios, Magnus Andersson and Maria Schnurr, RISE Viktoria, Report

Other presentations


  • End of queue detection, Al-Shishtawy  A, Ian Marsh, Bjorn Bjurlingin revision,  Draft
  • 12 years of road traffic data, European Conference on Data Analysis 2018,  Link to conference site
  • Short-Term Traffic Prediction Using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks, Zainab Abbas, Ahmad Al-Shishtawy, Sarunas Girdzijauskas, Vladimir VlassovIEEE International Congress on Big Data 2018,  Paper
  • Towards unifying stream processing over central and near-the-edge data centers, Sajjad HP, Danniswara K., Al-Shishtawy A., Vlassov V. In Edge Computing (SEC), IEEE/ACM Symposium Oct 2016 (pp. 168–178), Paper
